Thailand WeedMaps - Directory List of Cannabis Marijuana and Kratom Dispensaries Stores Suppliers Cafes and Vendors in Thailand. Where to buy Kratom and Cannabis THC & CBD Products and Kratom in Thailand: Bangkok / Pattaya / Koh Samui / Phuket / Chang Mai. Search for a Dispensary or Delivery Service Near You.
179 Kata Rd, Karon , Changwat Phuket, Thailand, Phuket
Tel: +66 63-425-6444
Your #1 source for buying weed in Thailand
With this helpful weed map of Thailand you can find which cannabis stores are closest to you, as well as their ratings and reviews. Find out if a shop is open or closed and if you can order online. Many cannabis shops will also display their menu and weed strains so you know the prices and expected quality before you visit the shop. A great tool for tourists and locals alike when traveling around Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Pattaya or one of the other cannabis hotspots in Thailand.
You can also filter your search to find product types such as Flower, Pre-rolls, Seeds, Edibles, Kratom, and many others. Check out the features to find places that allow Smoke on location, if they can deliver weed by Grab or EMS and many other cool functions.
Be sure to follow Thailand Weedmaps on Instagram, Line or email at to stay up to date with both new and top rated dispensaries around the country.
How to use the weed map
Mobile users: Use two fingers to zoom and drag Desktop users: Use the interface or your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Drag using your pointer.
Want to find out more about cannabis in Thailand? Make sure you take a look at our blog to find out more. If you prefer to browse weed stores without the map, check out our Dispensaries in Thailand page as well as Delivery where you can buy weed online. Buying marijuana in Thailand has never been easier and we welcome you to light up and enjoy the local cannabis culture. And when you’ve found your bud, don’t forget to leave a review on the site.
Find Cannabis Near Me On The Thailand Weed Map
Use this Thailand weed map to find the cannabis dispensaries, cafÃĐs, coffeeshops, medical clinings that are nearest to you. Zoom in and go wild!